The Whitehorse Lions Club Thanks
Philmar R.V. Centre
For their generous donations in this auction.
Consider visiting their website.

Item Number Item Description /
Donated By (Est. Value)
Highest Bidder Highest Bid Status
127 Gift Certificate towards goods and services 
Philmar R.V. Centre ($100.00)
Richard Mclean $51.00 Closed
233 Motor Home 3-step Ladder 
Philmar R.V. Centre ($163.00)
Kenneth Howard $30.00 Closed
305 Set of Whitehorse Mud Flaps 
Philmar R.V. Centre ($60.00)
Terry Large $32.00 Closed
414 Gift Certificate towards goods and services 
Philmar R.V. Centre ($100.00)
Jan Trim $61.00 Closed
514 31" Spare Tire Cover 
Philmar R.V. Centre ($37.00)
Andy Brickner $17.00 Closed
635 28" Spare Tire Cover 
Philmar R.V. Centre ($37.00)
Diane Nikitiuk $6.00 Closed
712 Gift Certificate towards goods and services 
Philmar R.V. Centre ($100.00)
Caroline Ford $80.00 Closed
803 10 LED Bulb Upgrade Kit 
Philmar R.V. Centre ($50.00)
G P $28.00 Closed

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